обложка автора Ginger Stay

Ginger Stay

#streaming #model #catslover #pretty_girl
Ginger Stay
90.99 из $ 114 собрано
This is help for Hera, Plato and Hypnos 😻😻😻
0 из $ 342 собрано
Have you seen my cool tattoos and piercing yet? I want even more! And you can help me make my dream come true 🌈🌈🌈

Об авторе

Hello my potential subscriber and, as I hope, friend! My name is Ginger and I am in finding a free life in which I don't have to think about paying bills and rentals. For this, I sometimes work the model on erotic sites and make cute and hot photos that I can please you;)
And I also love to communicate and find interesting people with whom it is cool to exchange ideas, memes, or to conduct serious discussions (but I love memes more).
I will be glad if you support me with donate or buying my content!
Нужен уровень:
Little Daddy
Нужен уровень:
Little Daddy
Нужен уровень:
Little Daddy
Нужен уровень:
Big Daddy
Нужен уровень:
Little Daddy

Уровни подписки

Little Daddy

$ 57 в месяц
if you are bored, want to share emotional experiences or exchange memes, then I am ready to give you my time 😙 We will be able to communicate in any messenger for the duration of the subscription 👅
And u can see all my photos here ☺️

Daddy for cats 🐱

$ 63 в месяц
Hera and Platon will be happy to send you photos and videos 😸🙀😼
Exclusive photos with cats several times a week. And you will become a cat daddy🤑

Big Daddy

$ 80 в месяц
Photo, video calls and all my love for the most generous friends 