Katie Jones

creating Adult Entertainment

  • 21 members
  • 1 post

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 / month
As we all know, every little bit adds up. Anyone committing to this tier would be helping me with the little details, which most often are the ones that count. New bulbs so you can see my shiny smile during broadcasts! Coffee to keep me awake for you guys! The list of things I could possibly need is endless and your commitment to this tier will assure that things run more smoothly on my end!
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Five Dolla' Holla' Crew
 / month
You guys will support my broadcast by allowing me to purchase better equipment, props, outfits and even helping me get to my ultimate goal of my own website where I can cut the middle man and deliver you guys great content at lower prices!
Fifty Shades of Green
 / month
You guys would be going above and beyond to support me! I will take any money gained from this tier and put it directly toward big items I need for my broadcasts like toys and outfits. If you want some variety, this is the tier for you! You may just get a little something special for your generosity.. ;)
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Katie Jones

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