creating horrors beyond your comprehension

  • 27 paid members
  • 2 posts

Choose your membership

 / month
access to patron-only posts, where you can find out what i'm up to and see previews of content! this will include photos, GIFs, and insider info on what's coming up next.
 / month
monthly*: animated gif set showing what each month's release is all about! stackable: full video redemption every 6x pledged ♥
*rewards are sent as they become available - monthly just means that you will receive a reward for each month of your total pledge length!
 / month
monthly*: animated gif set + video teaser!
stackable: full video redemption every 3x pledged! ♥
*rewards are sent as they become available - monthly just means that you will receive a reward for each month of your total pledge length!
 / month
monthly*: snapchat access + full video release per each month pledged! ♥
*rewards are sent as they become available - monthly just means that you will receive a reward for each month of your total pledge length!
 / month
monthly*: all content - updates, gifs, videos, and snapchat! 
plus, miscellaneous bonus content sent directly to you uwu ♥
*rewards are sent as they become available - monthly just means that you will receive a reward for each month of your total pledge length!
Recommended by creator
 / month

Limited (10 remaining)

this tier is applicable for special offers such as major release post-orders and collector's packs! long term patrons and twitch subs can also use this tier to schedule a 1-on-1 gaming session with me (*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*) ♥

original art piece
 / month

Limited (3 remaining)

this tier's reward is an original artwork drawn by me using traditional mediums like charcoal, paint, and/or ink. reward requires shipping address; package includes small tokens of appreciation and a personal thank-you letter from me.

 / month
this is my collaborative custom content tier! if you have a cosplay or theme you can't wait to see, please send me a message describing your idea. if i am interested and able to bring it to life, i will let you know and you can use this tier to fund the labor portion of the project. please note that even for custom content, i operate within my personal boundaries and brand aesthetic; however, i will make an effort to collaborate with you on your vision to fulfill it as best i can!

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